Keeping Our Energy and Spirits High as the Sun Fades into Autumn
The sun is a less frequent visitor as we move into Autumn. In the Summer the sun provides a quick and easy feel good factor, so when we head into Autumn we can start to feel a bit ‘meh’.
Start early to replace the source of the feel good factor.
A simple, achievable place to start is a walk, or if this is not possible for you, a short time out in nature/in your garden. It is free to do and it has been proven that being out in nature reduces blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and reduces stress hormones.
If you don’t walk or spend time out in nature already, establishing a new habit can be the hardest part. A new habit takes 21 days to establish, so here are my tips for getting started:
- Be kind to yourself
- Choose a time of day that is going to be more achievable
- Make the goal small to begin with (for example, commit to a 10 minute walk once a week or a quick trip outside and build up from there)
- Having a walking buddy/someone who will join you in your time outside can help to make that commitment stronger, as you are both less likely to back-out if you have made an arrangement.
- Be mindful about the change in your energy and improvements to your mindset. This will help to encourage you to keep it up.
I hope this helps you transition into the new season and maybe into a new habit.