“I want never gets”
‘I want never gets’…..right?! Really? Is that really true? Did you hear this sentence growing up? It is a saying that makes the imaginary heckles on the back of my neck stick up. I was told this when I was younger and I can whole-heartedly say that this sentence is incorrect and has limiting effects.
I have been setting intentions (wants) since my mid 20’s when I started reading books by Louise Hay and also The Secret which I am sure some of you have heard of.
There are many things in life that we can’t influence unfortunately, but there is so much that we can. These are the things that we can concentrate on. Things like:
I want to feel…….
I want to have my favourite holiday within the next X amount of years
By the end of the year I want to have done………
I would like my health to be the best it can be by doing/not doing……….
I want a job where I can……..
I have read ALOT of self-help books over the years. I find them inspiring and they really light me up. Another book that really sparked me into intentionally planning my future was ‘Be Your Own Life Coach’ by Fiona Harrold. Spoiler alert…….she advises thinking about how you would like your life to be in the future eg. 10 years time, and then break the time down, by saying ‘how do you want it look in 5 years’ and then breaking it down further until you are looking at how you would like life to be in 6 months time.
The best bit is, once you have set your intentions, you don’t have to think about the ‘hows’, Your very clever subconscious will do all of the hard work, you just have to think about what you want, not how to do it.
If you have done this before, you will know what I mean. If you haven’t, I urge you to do it. It is one of the single most positive habits that I have in my life.
One important rule is to focus on what YOU WANT. Do not focus on what you DO NOT want. Focusing on what you don’t want, makes your subconscious work on bringing more of that (the subconscious doesn’t know the difference between what you do and don’t want, it just focuses on what you are thinking about and brings more of it). If I said ‘don’t think of a white elephant’, I bet you are thinking of a white elephant now. This shows how mind needs to focus on what we want.
If you like the sound of this, there are lots of resources out there. My condensed tips are:
- Be clear and very precise with your intentions
- Think of the outcomes you would like in great detail. Imagine how it would feel to have achieved them
- Write them down, as many as you like, and keep going with it.
- There is no limit
I write my intentions down. Sometimes I find old lists that I have forgotten about. The best bit is, when I look at the lists, most of those things have happened already. My subconscious sorted it for me and my mind is already heading towards my next set of intentions.
So, I never say to my Daughter ‘I want never gets’. I say to her ‘ wishes always come true eventually, if not today, it will happen in the future’
I hope this helps you in some way today.
Sending love,
Helen x